
Contoh Karangan UPSR: The Obedient Son, by Sarmmila Rajendran
Contoh Karangan UPSR
Name:Kuala Lumpur Sarmmila Rajendran
Title:The Obedient Son
2016-12-11 22:18
    In a small village lived Chakri and his old mother. Chakri's father had passed on many years ago. They lived from hand to mouth. Despite their poverty. Chakri grew up to be a fine young lad. He was very kind, hardworking, and obedient. He took care of his mother like a gem because it was his promise to his late father.  
    Unfortunately, a war broke out. Chakri's mother ask him to save himself and leave her behind. Chakri refused and he took his mother along with him. However, since they had neither money nor place to go, they had to seek shelter at the edge of a jungle. He built small hut from bamboo and palm leaves.  
    It was time for lunch. Both of them were very hungry. Chakri set off to the jungle to look for food. H e went deep into the jungle....  
    After walking in the jungle for sometime, Chakri came across a place where there stood a large tree laden with fruits. He was mesmerised to see the tree.  
    "Wow! I have never seen a tree full of fruits," said Chakri. He climbed the tree and start plucking them.  
    After he had plucked enough, he climbed down the tree and separated the ripe fruits and the unripe ones. The ripe fruits were put in one basket for his mother, the unripe in another basket for himself.  
    On his way home, Chakri ran into some robbers, who grabbed him."Hey boy! What are you doing here?" the gang leader asked.  
    "I was looking for some fruits," he replied  
    "Looking for fruits? Why?" asked the gang leader asked.  
    "I don't have money to buy food. These fruits are the only food I have". Chakri said.  
    The leader looked at the two baskets.  
    "Why have you put the ripe fruits in this basket and the unripe fruits in that?" the gang leader was curious.  
     "Well, the ripe fruits are for my mother, and the unripe ones are for me," said Chakri. Now, the robbers understood why the fruits were divided in such a way, and they feel sympathy for him. They realised that he was a good and obedient son who loved his mother dearly.  
    "Well boy, you are truly devoted to your mother. Here, take this money. Go and buy some food for yourself and your mother," said the leader.  
    "Thank you very much but I can't take the money," Chakri turned down the offer politely.  
    "Why not?" the leader asked.  
    "I didn't do any work for you, how can I take your money?" Chakri replied.  
    The leader was very shocked to hear Chakri's words. The leader was very remorseful. He instructed his followers who were carrying their loots to return them at once.  
    Chakri continued his way home while the leader looked him with utter admiration.

Sofia Pandai, (2017-03-24 23:43)
Did you copy this from Year 6 English textbook ?
Sarmmila Rajendran, (2016-12-28 15:25)
Please leave a comment!!!
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