
Contoh Karangan UPSR: Si Boby Yang Comel, by Nur Anis Zahirah
Contoh Karangan UPSR
Name:Kedah Nur Anis Zahirah
Title:Si Boby Yang Comel
2015-11-28 01:50
Saya membela seekor kucing yang diberi nama Boby.  
Boby berbulu kelabu dan berekor panjang.  
Boby juga sangat comel dan suka bermain.  
Saya selalu membelainya dan memberi makan makanan kucing yang terbaik untuknya.  
Saya amat menyayanginya....  


Alejandriitha, (2015-12-22 13:42)
6 Pack Fitness Bag ensures that your home-cooked meals will rieamn hot and fresh for a long period of time. One of the reasons why people do not like bringing home-cooked meals in a lunch bag is because lunch bags usually do not keep the food fresh and warm. Thankfully, this bag can solve this problem for us. It features a removable frame. The frame works well in keeping your food warm so you can still enjoy its freshness hours after you prepared it.
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